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    Blog Resources

    Have your read through the Bible in 90 days?

    Spiritual Disciplines


    Main Scriptures
    Series: Spiritual Disciplines
    Scripture References

    We have an immediate opportunity to apply Sunday's sermon - take a digital fast and use the time you would have spent on social media, YouTube, etc. to read through the Bible. Living Stone Bible Church are reading /listening through the Bible in the next 3 months and have invited us to read/listen with them. Reading will take about 30 min a day - that's going to be a real challenge for all of us! To encourage and help us they've established an "Abiding in Truth" WhatsApp group which you can join using this link (https://chat.whatsapp.com/BGv0OoEJORYGWyGNZONb2L) Jonathan will provide encouragement, outlines and commentary pertaining to the bible readings on this group. You can also download the BibleBox App to track your reading - choose the 5th of December as your end date and tomorrow being the start date. With "fear and trembling" I'm going to take up the challenge - I know I need to be in God's Word more. Come on, take up the challenge and join us, maybe you'll get behind and never finish, but you'll certainly get more of God's Word than you have in a long time.

    Is 66:2 "All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the LORD. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word."